I was in DePere's Festival Foods on Saturday and upon checking out, I noticed a man in the foyer selling "Forget-Me-Nots," or a 'poppy' as we always called them! I had a few bucks left over so I made a donation and the poppy now is embedded in my driver's side visor, the same place where my dad always placed his after similar donations many years ago. The label on the flower states, "Thank you for remembering your disabled veterans." I was struck by how appreciative the seller of the poppy was; upon my donation he stated, "Thank you so much for remembering us." While his words were kind, indeed, I thought the thanks is all ours: "Thank you for remembering US!"

The Roman Sacramentary offers any number of prayers that we can use within the Mass for days such as today, civic holidays. And yet, the Preface for Thanksgiving, I believe, best articulates the thoughts and prayers I have today for those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces, those who have in the past, and especially those who gave their lives to promote peace and justice for us and for all. Again, happy "Decoration Day!"

we do well to join all creation,
in heaven and on earth,
in praising you, our mighty God
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

You made us in your own image
and set us over all creation.
Once you chose a people
and gave them a destiny
and, when you brought them out of bondage to freedom,
they carried with them the promise
that all would be blessed
and all could be free.

What the prophets pledged
was fulfilled in Jesus Christ,
your Son and our saving Lord.
It has come to pass in every generation
for all who have believed that Jesus
by his death and resurrection
gave them a new freedom in his Spirit.

It happened to our fathers,
who came to this land as if out of the desert
into a place of promise and hope.
It happens to us still, in our time,
as you lead all through your Church
to the blessed vision of peace.

And so, with hearts full of love,
we join the angels today and every day of our lives,
to sing your glory in a hymn of endless praise:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord,
God of power and might.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory:
Hosanna in the Highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord:
Hosanna in the Highest!


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