....Not Only What She Says, but How She Says It!

This morning I was engaged in a phone call conversation with Deanna Favre. I have never made it a habit to call the Favre's either in Green Bay or in Hattiesburg; there are so many calls and requests that come their way -- I've always been very careful to not add to the frenzy.

Nevertheless, I did want to see how life was treating the Favre's after all of the hoopla that surrounded Brett's retirement. Further, I wanted to discuss the issue of Pope Benedict's visit to the United States and some of the issues regarding the Papal Presence!

Through the entirety of the conversation, Deanna seemed to be her characteristic kind self. She always speaks so well -- her articulation is certainly fascinating. She consistently speaks so pastorally; the content of her talk -- even in the worst of times -- has always been so positive and faithful. ...And then there's that slight Southern Drawl! It's often difficult to hang up the phone on what often seems as 'spiritual direction;' and I have often enjoyed the feeling of being in the passenger's seat as the recipient of her wise counsel.

While I am sure our paths will cross again -- in fact we spoke briefly of the Packer's retirement of the #4 -- this call seemed very much like our 'farewell discourse;' I'm sure I precipitated that. But I know that they will be well. Brett and Deanna have many friends in the Church -- they are no stranger to the local Catholic Community in Hattiesburg, and I'm sure Father Tommy Conway "will give them a shepherd's care."

That does not mean they won't be missed. We are all aware of Brett and Deanna's contributions to community life in Green Bay within and beyond 1265 Lombardi Avenue -- there will be a loss, indeed. But what I'll miss most is the goodness and kindness that was a part of our every encounter over these past 12 years -- their combined southern drawls just made the encounters seem so much more down home, almost innocent, and certainly blessed!
Video Courtesy: Youtube.com


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