CATHOLIC IDENTITY: Can Someone Teach Me How to do This Stuff?

While away in Indy I did not have access to my computer, so I was not able to communicate with you folks via this forum. But I am writing a story of the experiences to share with you -- which will be offered here in a few days. But until then, I did want to share with you something some of the athletes shared with me while at lunch on Saturday.

As you may experience yourself, as you're working out on your own favorite treadmill or trail, it's customary to crank up the ipod and work out to your favorite artists and songs -- One Republic, Robbie Williams, Bon Jovi and The Last Goodnight are among my most frequent plays.

To my surprise, a large number of athletes are cranking podcasts for their workouts from the following site:

So I share this information with you while making it clear, I have yet to tap into any of these podcasts so I am uncertain of their usefulness for your Lenten journey. I will tap into this once I have the assistance of a computer savvy SNC student who can show me how to do this! But as I share with you this Lent some of the jewels of our Catholic Faith, I'm hoping that you and I just might find a diamond while technologically digging deeper into our own spirituality via this site. Let me know if anything you find at this sight offers you a little inspiration -- while perhaps gaining a more buffed Lenten physique!


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