While at Evening Prayer tonight, I heard Father Tim Shillcox's gentle voice whisper across the Oratory, offering up the very kind prayer, "For Jim on the anniversary of his First Mass." Tim took me a bit off guard, because it wasn't even in my mind -- not even once -- today. I was gearing up those thoughts and prayers for this Sunday, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the conclusion of our Christmas Season. Tim was correct, however: the Feast 15 years ago took place on 10 January 1993. That first prayer that I offered as a priest for the faithful that gathered at Saint Mary in Antigo is the prayer I offer for you this weekend:

"Almighty, Eternal God,
when the Spirit descended upon Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan,
you revealed him as your own beloved Son.
Keep us, your children born of water and the Spirit
faithful to our calling.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever."


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Jim, on the Anniversary of your First Mass; what a tender prayer. You will be especially remembered in my prayers tonight.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jim on the 15th anniversay of your first mass. I still remember you in your Frater days helping out at New St. Joe's and it seems like yesterday. You are in my prayers! JB

Anonymous said...


Seems to fit with Jesus' Baptism and your first mass. Jesus starting his ministry, and you officially starting yours, though maybe being ordained a priest would fit better with Jesus' Baptism?

idk, but either way, I like it!

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