MILESTONE I: "Turn Away from Sin and be Faithful to the Gospel" [at GBCI on the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, 25 January 2007]

When the Packers asked if I would be willing to serve the Packer Community at home and on the road, I knew that I would need to seek approval from my superiors, because this ministry would take me away from home -- and Lourdes -- on a consistent basis. When I approached the Prior for permission, I was surprised by his response. He did not think it was appropriate for a priest belonging to a religious order to have such a job. In his mind, NFL players represent the young and the wealthy.

Having just completed 25 years of ministry in the poverty-stricken jungles of Peru, I think the Prior may have thought it was too glamerous for a Norbertine to be globe trotting across the country caring for the needs of men who appear to be on top of their game -- on and off the field. I guess that I respectfully disagreed with the Prior's stance; I felt awkward with our picking and choosing who -- or what types of people -- are 'worthy' or eligible of our ministry. Scripture reminds us that, "the poor, we will always have with us." While that certainly pertains to those who go without the many material blessings that others have, I believe there are other forms of poverty as well -- emotional, relational, spiritual... ... ... I know that those who drive Escallades need ministry just as those who walk -- albeit the needs are different.

Given I rarely traveled at that point in my life -- that I am a homebody by nature -- the Abbot had no problem with the Packer's proposal; he thought it would be a great way to get me out of the house! The fact that the former Abbot is a MAJOR Packer fan did not hurt either! Once I began the ministry, the Prior passed away rather unexpectedly -- effects from a parasite obtained from his bold and faithful ministry to the Peruvians. As such, the concerns he voiced to me earlier echoed in my mind and heart. "How would my ministerial life be balanced?" Bishop Bob Morneau had one suggestion: Green Bay Correctional Institution! Bishop Morneau suggested that I assist there, that this population represented the poor in our midst -- despised by many -- forgotten by most. It was then that I began my long-term ministry at the corner of Riverside Drive and 172.

Some of my most memorable moments of priesthood have taken place at GBCI. In all honesty, some of the most challenging moments have occurred there as well. Thursday mornings are often the highpoint or the lowpoint of my week. And yet, one of the most significant moments of my priesthood took place there at GBCI -- in the little free-standing chapel amidst the center square; ironically, the date was 25 January 2007: the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul!

Mike Donovan, the Catholic Chaplain at GBCI had been journeying with the men who were preparing for full incorporation into the Church. Mike always does a great job working with these men and their sponsors. Now normally the Bishop would come to the prison and preside over the Rites of Initiation. For this particular occassion, Mike asked me if I would be willing to serve as the minister of the sacrament for the inmates. Having obtained the appropriate delegation from the diocese, I was all prepared to celebrate the rites. However, I was freaking out, trying to image what I would say in the homily, given some challenges that were being presented in light of the occassion.

Issue #1.: VISITORS! Normally there are no 'visitors' at our Masses. This is one congregation where all are not always welcome; I suspect you understand! However, at this Mass we welcomed sponsors as well as family members of those engaged in the sacrament. I suspect I came off as a concerned 'parent,' hoping that the other inmates would receive our guests well and would appear to be under their best behavior!

Issue #2.: PEER PRESSURE! Keep in mind these guys not only worship together, but they also eat, work, recreate and sleep together. Therefore, it seems as though everyone knows everyone else's business! Seeking full incorporation into the Church is making a bold proclamation of faith -- you're placing yourself out there -- open to great affirmation from some, intense scrutiny from others.

So, on this feast of Saul's transformation to Paul -- from persecutor to protector, how would a homily appropriately disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed? I thought one such way would be to enter their world -- or use the experience and wisdom of someone from their own background to speak to their own experience. I did not need to look much further than my shelf of DVDs for such wisdom. I reached for my dvd/cd combo entitled "Gerardo." Gerardo is a very popular performer south of the border; one who is known for salsa/rap -- for lack of a more precise definition of lyrical genre. Gerardo claims that he has made a fortune using his music to promote violence, gratituous sexual activity... ... all those things of which we try to shield our children! But his most recent cd entitled 180 Degrees speaks of a different reality -- he now chooses to use his gift of music to give life to a sometimes broken world.

For over a year now, I truly loved the song Suena because of the great melody coupled with a mesmerizing video out on dvd. However, I never really knew what the song was about until a priest-friend of mine translated the music for me. Since that enlightenment, I've played the dvd at different gatherings of young peoples to express the notion of conversion and redemption. Given the feast that the Church celebrated that day, coupled with the community that gathered on the 25th and the rites that we were undertaking, Gerardo's Suena seemed perfect for the occassion. What do you think?

Gerardo Mejia

This song is dedicated to the people
To the people that dream but work everyday
To make their dream a reality.

One day more in the battle
Trying to climb another wall
Surrounded by those who think they know -- and mean people
But I keep fighting
I am sure I have value.
But the bitter flavor of rejection I carry
There is no one who can bring me down from the clouds
Instead of finding fault with me it would be better that you do not come up
The world is different from this point of view
The world is at your reach
Because you have not conquered it

I want one day to say to you that I do know
I know that this baby boy is going to hit one day
Full of fantasies, full of desires, full of life.
The triumph that is inevitable with God’s blessings
And now that you are above do not forget your own
Teach him how to take the door with his fist
Keep dreaming, harvest your destiny
And do not swerve from your path, ok?

When they tell you you don’t have value, don’t go on
Don’t change your direction and give up
Do not look back
But take care of yourself and you will be ….dreaming
What appears impossible, have certainty
With me all is possible
I know the truth
Together we are invincible…dream

The Word says that with faith we can move mountains
I am evidence of that and I know that if I can do it so can you
Together we can be examples for everyone that they never have to quit believing
Do not give in to defeat, who ever said it would be easy
I too send a message to all, good, almost
It’s that we get angry when one looks for support
And you are told that you are alone on this log

Don’t throw in the towel if by chance you fail
Complete your task and you will see how quiet they become
To all the people that made it difficult
It will appear that there is no crisis
And to the same people to which I dedicate this song
If it wasn’t for you there would be no motivation
Keep talking, and I will keep dreaming
Inspiring me to see the change

When they tell you you don’t have value, don’t go on
Don’t change your direction and give up
Do not look back
But take care of yourself and you will be ….dreaming
What appears impossible, have certainty
With me all is possible
I know the truth
Together we are invincible…dream

I know you do not have the resources
That would finish certain courses
And for that you were not cursed
But God is just
And God has given you other plans
So that your horse can put aside its gain

Do not lose faith, you need to be positive
Lazareth got up because God wanted him to live
I hope that your motives are good and sincere
I hope a lot for you because a brother treats you with consideration
We have the same Father and that is why I love you
The world is beautiful because of God
It is because of God I dream, it is because of God I dream

When they tell you you don’t have value, don’t go on
Don’t change your direction and give up
Do not look back
But take care of yourself and you will be ….dreaming
What appears impossible, have certainty
With me all is possible
I know the truth
Together we are invincible…dream

A just man falls seven times and seven times rises up
What class (kind) of man are you? Rise up! (Get up!)

....Or in it's original form:

Esta cancion va dedicada a esa gente que esa gente que sueña pero que trabaja todos los dias para hacer ese sueño realidad Un dia mas en la batalla tratando de escalar otra muralla rodeado de sabidos y canallas pero sigo luchando estoy seguro que yo valgo pero el sabor amargo del rechazo traigo no hay nadie que me baje de las nubes en vez de criticarme mejor por que no subes el mundo es diferente de este punto de vista el mundo esta a tu alcance por qué no lo conquistas Quiero que un dia digas yo lo conocia yo sabía que ese nene iba a pegar un dia lleno de fantasias, lleno de ganas, lleno de vida el triunfo era inevitable que dios te bendiga y ahora que estas arriba no te olvides de los tuyos enseñale como hay que tomar puerta con los puños sigue soñando, cosechando tu destino y no te desvies de tu camino, ok? Cuando digan que no vales, no sigue no mas no cambies tu rumbo y dale no mires atras que cuidandote yo estare ... sueña Si parece imposible, ten la seguridad conmigo todo es posible yo se la verdad juntos somos invencibles ... sueña La palabra dice que con fe puedes mover montañas yo soy testigo y sé que si yo puedo tu puedes juntos podemos ser ejemplo para que ellos nunca dejen de creer No te des por vencido, quien dijo que era facil yo tambien mande al carajo a todos, bueno, casi es que da coraje cuando uno busca el apoyo y te das cuenta que estas solo en este rollo

No tires la toalla por si acaso falla termina tu azaña y veras como se callan toda esa gente que lo hizo dificil como aparecen cuando ya no hay crisis A esa misma gente le dedico esta cancion si no fuera por ustedes no habria motivacion sigan hablando, yo seguire soñando inspirandome hasta ver un cambio Cuando digan que no vales, no sigue no mas no cambies tu rumbo y dale no mires atras que cuidandote yo estare ... sueña Si parece imposible, ten la seguridad conmigo todo es posible yo se la verdad juntos somos invencibles ... sueña Yo sé que no tienes los recursos que terminaste solo ciertos cursos y por eso no eres culto pero dios es justo y ha de tener otros planes para que su caballo descartado gane No pierdas la fe, hay que ser positivo Lázaro levantate que dios te quiere vivo espero que tu objetivo no sea solo el dinero espero que tus motivos sean buenos y sinceros espero mucho de ti porque un hermano te considero tenemos el mismo padre y por el porque te quiero por el es porque este mundo me parece bello por el es que yo sueño, por el es que yo sueño Cuando digan que no vales, no sigue no mas no cambies tu rumbo y dale no mires atras que cuidandote yo estare ... sueña Si parece imposible, ten la seguridad conmigo todo es posible yo se la verdad juntos somos invencibles ... sueña

Un hombre justo cae siete veces y vuelve a levantarse qué clase de hombre eres tu? levantante!

Well, the song did not even get as far as the refrain when I noticed the congregation, especially the men of Hispanic culture, were totally engaged in the music. The young gentleman pictured above, Joker*, chose to translate parts of the song for the rest of the congregation. Joker seemed to have loved the beat -- and the message -- and I suspect the culture as well.

The congregation seemed to enjoy the message and its connectivity to the Feastday and the rites being celebrated. I reminded them that these sacraments are for all of us -- not just those being baptized and confirmed: we all have a state in these rites -- we all have a role and a responsibility. The approval I noticed on their faces was in sync with the baptisms that followed the homily -- the first time I've ever fully immersed an adult -- and serveral -- into the Church. Spontaneous applause accompanied the rites. I could not have asked for a more 'present' Church, a more supportive and prayerful congregation. That Mass: the welcoming spirit, the spirited music, the full and active participation, the 'welcome home' to our newest Catholics -- it all represented what brotherhood is all about. The guys made me feel proud that day; it will be a day remembered not simply by our neophites, but all in attendance, I am sure.

Shortly after the sacred rites, the Green Bay Correctional Institution would begin its longest emergency lockdown in the history of corrections in the state of Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the timing would not allow us to maximixe upon and continue the great spirit we all celebrated that day. However, since my return to the institution I realized that Joker, our translator, would be released soon. In fact, I started to offer my own "farewell discourse" to Joker at Mass today.

Before he leaves our institution, I will search for opportunities to remind him not only of St. Paul's conversion or the conversion of his fellow inmates who were received into the Church on 25 January 2007, but I will remind him that we are all called to conversion; humanity consists of a lifelong conversion of our ways -- sometimes only taking one step forward and two steps back. But we never give up on our persuit to a closer union with Christ, which always results in a closer union with one another! I pray for Joker's good -- inside the institution and on the streets as well. Let's pray for his success, and may he be reminded that, "The just man falls seven times, and seven times rises up.... Get Up!"

As young men enter the prison and as some are parolled, I'm never sure if my ministry there makes a difference -- only time will tell. But what can be said of the Packers, my Old Saint Joe's parishioners, my St. Norbert College students and my Norbertine brothers, can also be said of the inmates at GBCI: "God's flock is in your midst; give it a shepherd's care!"

Yours in Saint Norbert,

Father James Baraniak, O. Praem.

* The picture that accompanies MILESTONE I was obtained from FFUP: Forum for Understanding Prisons. For more information on how you can better understand life at GBCI and similar institutions please consult:


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